The constant gardener

Igårkväll såg vi The constant gardener. Absolut inte någon feel-good film utan snarare en som väcker tankar och dåligt samvete (som Blood diamonds eller The last king of scotland). Utomordentligt fint filmad, och nog sevärd - fastän det redan har gått många år sedan den kom ut så är den knappast mindre aktuell för det.
Så här säger om handlingen:
British diplomat Justin Quayle meets the impulsive activist Tessa, marries her quickly at her behest and takes her on diplomatic mission in Kenya. When Tessa is brutally murdered, Justin decides to investigate her death against the strong wish of his superiors to let the matter quietly disappear. He discovers a powerful mystery involving the members of the British High Commission and the not-so-savory business practices of the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry. In the process of learning the secrets of his powerful enemies, Justin must learn all of his wife's many secrets as well.


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